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10X Chromium System


The Chromium system uses advanced microfluidics to perform single cell partitioning and barcoding in a matter of minutes. This allows the parallel study of thousands of single cells at a massive scale.

Equipment (training mandatory):

  • 10X Chromium Controller
  • 10X Chromium X

Services: project submission or self-usage

Single Cell Solutions:

  • GEM-X 3’ RNA-seq
  • GEM-X 5’ RNA-seq
  • Next GEM 3’ RNA-seq
  • Next GEM 5’ RNA-seq
  • Next GEM ATAC-seq
  • BCR and TCR immune profiling
  • CITE-seq
  • Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression
  • Barcode Enabled Antigen Mapping (BEAM)

BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System and Scanner


The new BD Rhapsody HT Xpress System is a higher-throughput platform that leverages a robust microwell-based single cell partitioning technology to perform single cell analysis. The system is capable of single cell capture and barcoding enabling capture of more than 320,000 cells per 8-lane cartridge, making million-cell studies now possible. 


  • BD Rhapsody
  • BD Rhapsody HT
  • BD Rhapsody Scanner

Services: project submission or self-usage

Single Cell Solutions:

  • Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA)
  • Targeted Gene Expression
  • TCR and BCR immune profiling
  • BD AbSeq/BioLegend TotalSeq

Mission Bio Tapestri 


We use the Tapestri (Mission Bio) platform to analyse genotype and phenotype simultaneously from thousands of single cells.

This is a single cell multiomics solution to simultaneously detect SNVs, CNVs and cell-surface proteins at the single-cell level.

Services: project submission or self-usage


Bio-Rad ddSeq

The ddSEQ Single-Cell Isolator is part of the Bio-Rad Single-Cell Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Solution, which works with the Bio-Rad SureCell ATAC-Seq Kit. The technology utilizes disposable microfluidic cartridges to co-encapsulate single cells or single nuclei and barcoded beads into sub-nanoliter droplets, where cell-bead pairing and barcoding occur.

Services:  project submission or self-usage