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In order to make use of the CCB cluster, you will need the following:

  • User account
  • Storage space


Current members of the University of Oxford may apply for a CCB HPC account

There are three types of user accounts:

Principal Investigator (PI) Account assumes responsibility for a group of users, usually people within their research group and collaborators and also one or more project spaces. 

To help PIs manage their usage of the CCB HPC Facility, PI accounts receive regular status reports about:

  • Associated users
  • Project Space quota usage
  • Access permissions granted

In order to use JADE, each person will need to have their own user account:

Full Account is a type of account that is given access to all of our base resources, including a home directory and the ability to submit jobs to the batch system. It is associated with a PI Account so that its usage is billed annually until the end of use.

Temporary Account is a type of account that is given access to our resources like a Full Account. It is associated with a PI account for the initial billing. This account type is limited by 3 months of use and it can be extended for additional 3 month periods, or upgraded to Full Account if desired.


In the CCB cluster, there are two types of storage space:

Project Space: a storage space backed by a high-performance distributed storage system designated for a research project. Each Project Space is billed according to the requested storage quota (minimum 1 TB) and in increments of 1 TB. A Project Space is associated with a PI Account so that its usage is billed annually.  

Home Directory: a storage space associated with a Full Account or a Temporary Account. It has a predefined size (currently 10 GB). It is for storing procedural scripts only and cannot be increased.


In addition to our high-performance storage, you are recommended to acquire additional storage space to archive your research result:


For new Project Spaces, the PI will need to submit the first form

  • Acquire, reactivate, or extend a User Account:

                        i.         Create a PO for the required value

                       ii.         Fill in the CCB Account Application Form

                      iii.         Submit the form to

  • Provision, or expand a Project Storage:

                        i.         Create a PO for the required value

                       ii.         Fill in the CCB Project Application Form

                      iii.         Submit the form to

For all other requests, the Project Space owner (usually the PI) should email


Information on current charges can be found here.