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Agilent tapestation


Agilent TapeStation systems are automated electrophoresis instruments that combine automated walk-away sample processing with operational simplicity.

Samples Number: 1-96 samples

Services: project submission or self-usage

  • Genomic DNA
  • Large fragment DNA
  • Small fragment DNA
  • NGS libraries
  • Total and mRNA (other RNA)
  • FFPE-extracted nucleic acids

Agilent 2100 bioanylser


Automated electrophoresis solution for the sample quality control of biomolecules. The system integrates an instrument, data processing software, reagents, and a microfluidic chip specific for DNA, RNA, or protein analysis.

Samples Number: 1- 11 samples

Services: project submission or self-usage

  • Genomic DNA
  • Large fragment DNA
  • Small fragment DNA
  • NGS libraries
  • Total and mRNA (other RNA)
  • FFPE-extracted nucleic acids

Fragment Analyser


The fragment analyser is a capillary electrophoresis instrument that can separate and analyse up to 192 samples at a time and has a 2bp DNA resolution enabling convenient genotyping.

Samples Number: 1- 192 samples

Services: project submission or self-usage

  • Genomic DNA
  • Large fragment DNA
  • Small fragment DNA
  • NGS libraries
  • Total and mRNA (other RNA)
  • FFPE-extracted nucleic acids