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The MRC WIMM runs a two-week work experience programme for Year 12 state school students in Oxfordshire, who are interested in biological and medical research.

Students will be hosted by research groups within the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, where they will have the opportunity to learn about different aspects of the research carried out in the Institute and to discover new experimental techniques. The programme also includes group sessions on research careers, immunology, haematology and other related topics. 

In 2025, the programme will run from the 28th July to 8th August.

Placement students are likely to be expected to attend between 10:30 am and 4 pm, Monday to Friday, for each of the two weeks. Lunch will be provided each day.

Eligibility criteria

Students should be:

  • In Year 12
  • Attending an Oxfordshire State School 
  • Studying at least one science subject at A level (or equivalent)

Please note that students must be aged 16 or over to attend this programme due to Health & Safety policies. 

How to apply

In 2025, applications will open on Monday 24th February and will close on Friday 4th April.

We expect to notify students of the outcome of their application by Friday 9th May.

Application Form Link:  MRC WIMM Work Experience Application 2025 (will open for responses at 8 am on the 24th Feb)


Contact with any questions about the programme.