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When using facility instruments, any resulting publications or presentations should in some form acknowledge the Wolfson Imaging Centre. Please consider using some of the of following text:

We would like to acknowledge Jana Koth/Cyril Lai from the MRC WIMM Wolfson Imaging Centre for providing experimental advise/image data acquisition services/technical expertise/scientific input**. The facility is supported by the MRC TIDU; MRC MHU (MC_UU_12009); ), John Fell Fund (12258), MRC MR/X012743/1 grant, and by the MRC WIMM Strategic Alliance awards G0902418 and MC_UU_12025.
(**please delete named staff and services as required.)


 Acknowledgement of MRC WIMM Core Facilities

The managed Core Facilities of the MRC WIMM would like to raise awareness that their scientific input to publications should be properly acknowledged, and would suggest creating a general WIMM policy.

The contribution of Core Facilities should be mentioned in publications and presentations where the results have been significantly brought forward by intellectual or experimental work of the core facility. The idea behind this is to give credit and scientific reputation to the facilities as well as giving them a proof of their performance for internal and funding bodies audits. Published acknowledgements are an important metric and provide the facilities with a means of measuring its usage and success. Those figures can ideally also been used to support bids for continued funding. The form of acknowledgement should be reasonable and according to good scientific practice. The above-mentioned facility managers agreed on the following

  • Listing of facility members in the author's list should be justified by a major contribution (figure, intellectual input or experimental help without which a publication would not have been possible). The decision to include managers or team members is based on the decision of the respective PI.
  • Experimental help within the definition of the duty of the respective core facility should be mentioned in the acknowledgements. Ideally, the name of the facility, the name of the manager and/or the respective experimenter should be named. This benefits the facility teams to prove their experimental
    contributions (in line with good experimental practice). All facility members would appreciate naming the respective person who did the actual work.
  • When presenting data co-generated by, or based on the service of a core facility in a talk, the speaker should acknowledge the respective facility and the team member who did the work. This will create awareness for the respective facility and demonstrate the range of available opportunities with the appropriate contact person. In external seminars, the acknowledgement will help disseminating the proficiency of MRC WIMM and its core facilities.
  • When acknowledging Core Facilities in publications, the respective funding bodies should be mentioned to allow for a sustained financial support.