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The MRC WIMM Graduate Students Association (WGSA) is a student-run initiative bringing together the graduate student community within the MRC WIMM. We aim to provide social activities and peer support for students at any stage. We further aim to provide a platform for students to present their work and broaden their academic horizons.

Trip to a local pub


We organise several academic and social events throughout the year, including:

  • Welcome events at the start of the academic year
  • Regular social events
    • Monthly café or pub outings
    • Lunch socials before every Monday Student Seminar
    • Monthly WIMM-wide social: WIMM’s O’clock (co-organised with WPA)
    • Summer and winter socials with pizza, drinks, DJ and games
  • Academic and career events
    • Annual Student Presentation Day (co-organised with administration)
    • Science Career Seminars (co-organised with WPA)



Peer support

The GSA also provides peer support. A number of our students have undergone training to act as Peer Supporters and provide a listening ear for those with welfare concerns.

Peer supporters

Martin Fellermeyer 

Ciara Maguire

WIMM Graduate Studies Committee

The MRC WIMM additionally has a Graduate Studies Committee to ensure students are fully supported during their period of study. The Graduate Studies Committee meets at least once per term and students can voice any concerns through the student representatives.



LOGO AUG.jpgIf you would like to find out more about the WGSA you can contact us on

We also have a Facebook group, which you can request to join.



The committee

President Alexander Redmond
Secretary Maya Pidoux
Treasurer Dana Costigan 
Welfare Secretary Gerissa Fowler
Social Secretary Lucy Harmer
Student Representative Ian Hsu