The Wolfson Imaging Centre - Oxford was established in late 2012 with funding from the Wolfson Foundation (Grant 18272).
Since inception, the facility has benefitted from further funding from:
MC_UU_12009: Molecular Haematology Unit
MC_UU_12010: Human Immunology Unit (now called the Translational Immune Discovery Unit)
MR/K015777X/1: MICA – Nanoscopy Oxford (NanO): Novel Super-resolution Imaging Applied to Biomedical Sciences 2013-18
- Wellcome Trust
WT104924A1A: Advanced super-resolution fluorescence STED microscopy of the cellular interior 2014-18
WT107457: Micron Advanced Bioimaging Unit 2016-20.
WT091911: Micron Advanced Bioimaging Unit 2011-15.
- E. P. Abraham Cephalosporin Fund
CF 252: Nanoscopy Oxford: Super-resolution optical STED microscope facility at the WIMM,
CF 261: Bio-ISCAT: Biomedical application of novel fast molecular tracking.
CF 286: Advancing Image Analysis at the Wolfson Imaging Centre Oxford.
CF 295: Enabling enhanced optical imaging of whole organs by optimized tissue clearing apparatus at the University of Oxford light microscopy imaging facilities.
CF 305: Imaging Equipment, observing lipid heterogeneity on the surface of resting cells.
- John Fell Fund
143/089: Matching funds for external applications for the acquisition of a Zeiss 880 upright confocal microscope with a novel Airy-scan super-resolution detector
0007125: Expansion of Wolfson Imaging Centre capacity and capabilities by the addition of a confocal microscope with an Airyscan detector
- Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund
2014-16: Enhancement of technological capacity in biomedical research: Wolfson Imaging Centre Oxford
2013-14: Containment level 3 super-resolution STED imaging of live virus host-cell interactions'