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Recent publications published by researchers at the MRC WIMM.

In utero origin of myelofibrosis presenting in adult monozygotic twins.

Journal article

Sousos N. et al, (2022), Nat Med, 28, 1207 - 1211

Canonical Notch signaling is dispensable for adult steady-state and stress myelo-erythropoiesis.

Journal article

Duarte S. et al, (2018), Blood, 131, 1712 - 1719

Myelodysplastic syndromes are propagated by rare and distinct human cancer stem cells in vivo

Journal article

Woll PS. et al, (2014), Cancer Cell, 25, 794 - 808

Myelodysplastic syndromes are propagated by rare and distinct human cancer stem cells in vivo.

Journal article

Woll PS. et al, (2014), Cancer Cell, 25, 794 - 808


Conference paper

Mead AJ. et al, (2014), HAEMATOLOGICA, 99, 256 - 256

Platelet-biased stem cells reside at the apex of the haematopoietic stem-cell hierarchy.

Journal article

Sanjuan-Pla A. et al, (2013), Nature, 502, 232 - 236

Platelet-biased stem cells reside at the apex of the haematopoietic stem-cell hierarchy

Journal article

Sanjuan-Pla A. et al, (2013), Nature, 502, 232 - 236

Quiescent leukaemic cells account for minimal residual disease in childhood lymphoblastic leukaemia

Journal article

Lutz C. et al, (2013), Leukemia, 27, 1204 - 1207