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Recent publications published by researchers at the MRC WIMM.

Towards the genomic sequence code of DNA fragility for machine learning.

Journal article

Pflughaupt P. et al, (2024), Nucleic Acids Res

Generalised interrelations among mutation rates drive the genomic compliance of Chargaff's second parity rule.

Journal article

Pflughaupt P. and Sahakyan AB., (2023), Nucleic Acids Res

ROptimus: a parallel general-purpose adaptive optimisation engine.

Journal article

Johnson NAG. et al, (2023), Bioinformatics

A Spontaneous Ring-Opening Reaction Leads to a Repair-Resistant Thymine Oxidation Product in Genomic DNA.

Journal article

Sahakyan AB. et al, (2020), Chembiochem, 21, 320 - 323

Whole genome experimental maps of DNA G-quadruplexes in multiple species.

Journal article

Marsico G. et al, (2019), Nucleic Acids Res, 47, 3862 - 3874

Structural analysis reveals the formation and role of RNA G-quadruplex structures in human mature microRNAs.

Journal article

Chan KL. et al, (2018), Chem Commun (Camb), 54, 10878 - 10881

Machine learning model for sequence-driven DNA G-quadruplex formation.

Journal article

Sahakyan AB. et al, (2017), Sci Rep, 7

G-quadruplex structures within the 3' UTR of LINE-1 elements stimulate retrotransposition.

Journal article

Sahakyan AB. et al, (2017), Nat Struct Mol Biol, 24, 243 - 247

Single genome retrieval of context-dependent variability in mutation rates for human germline.

Journal article

Sahakyan AB. and Balasubramanian S., (2017), BMC Genomics, 18

rG4-seq reveals widespread formation of G-quadruplex structures in the human transcriptome.

Journal article

Kwok CK. et al, (2016), Nat Methods, 13, 841 - 844

Structural Analysis using SHALiPE to Reveal RNA G-Quadruplex Formation in Human Precursor MicroRNA.

Journal article

Kwok CK. et al, (2016), Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 55, 8958 - 8961

Selective Chemical Labeling of Natural T Modifications in DNA.

Journal article

Hardisty RE. et al, (2015), J Am Chem Soc, 137, 9270 - 9272

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