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ABSTRACT Although 90% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are now cured 1 , the prognosis of infant-ALL (diagnosis within the first year of life) remains dismal 2 . Infant-ALL is usually caused by a single genetic hit that arises in utero rearrangement of the MLL/KMT2A gene ( MLL-r ). This is sufficient to give rise to a uniquely aggressive and treatment-refractory leukemia compared to older children with the same MLL-r 3–5 . The reasons for disparate outcomes in patients of different ages with identical driver mutations are unknown. This paper addresses the hypothesis that fetal-specific gene expression programs co-operate with MLL-AF4 to initiate and maintain infant-ALL. Using direct comparison of fetal and adult HSC and progenitor transcriptomes we identify fetal-specific gene expression programs in primary human cells. We show that MLL-AF4 -driven infant-ALL, but not MLL-AF4 childhood-ALL, displays expression of fetal-specific genes. In a direct test of this observation, we find that CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of primary human fetal liver cells to produce a t(4;11)/ MLL-AF4 translocation replicates the clinical features of infant-ALL and drives infant-ALL-specific and fetal-specific gene expression programs. These data strongly support the hypothesis that fetal-specific gene expression programs co-operate with MLL-AF4 to initiate and maintain the distinct biology of infant-ALL.

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