Recent publications published by researchers at the MRC WIMM.
Early NK-cell and T-cell dysfunction marks progression to severe dengue in patients with obesity and healthy weight
Gregorova M. et al, (2024)
Menopause age shaped by genes that influence mutation risk.
Journal article
Goriely A., (2024), Nature
Familial severe skeletal Class II malocclusion with gingival hyperplasia caused by a complex structural rearrangement at the KCNJ2-KCNJ16 locus
Journal article
Maroofian R. et al, (2024), Human Genetics and Genomics Advances
The road to a world-unified approach to the management of patients with gastric intestinal metaplasia: a review of current guidelines.
Journal article
Dinis-Ribeiro M. et al, (2024), Gut, 73, 1607 - 1617
Exploring cellular changes in ruptured human quadriceps tendons at single-cell resolution
Mimpen JY. et al, (2024)
Genome-wide association studies of Down syndrome associated congenital heart defects
Feldman ER. et al, (2024)
Risk Stratification in Older Intensively Treated Patients With AML.
Journal article
Versluis J. et al, (2024), J Clin Oncol
Single-cell immune survey identifies a novel pathogenic role for T cells in anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Kwok AJ. et al, (2024)
Hematopoietic stem cell heterogeneity and age-associated platelet bias are evolutionarily conserved.
Journal article
Aksöz M. et al, (2024), Sci Immunol, 9
Introduction to a review series on globin disorders.
Journal article
Coates TD. and Roberts I., (2024), Blood, 144, 797 - 798
Quantum mechanical electronic and geometric parameters for DNA k-mers as features for machine learning.
Journal article
Masuda K. et al, (2024), Sci Data, 11
How Important Is Unrelated Donor Human Leukocyte Antigen Disparity in the Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide Era?
Journal article
Chakraverty R., (2024), J Clin Oncol
Safety in spinal surgery—Empowering clinicians to report concerns in motor function
Journal article
Burrows J. et al, (2024), Journal of Advanced Nursing
Loss-of-Function Variants in SUPT5H as Modifying Factors in Beta-Thalassemia.
Journal article
Harteveld CL. et al, (2024), Int J Mol Sci, 25
Structure of a fully assembled γδ T-cell antigen receptor.
Journal article
Gully BS. et al, (2024), Nature
The iron curve: infection at both ends.
Journal article
Drakesmith H. and Zoller H., (2024), Blood, 144, 679 - 680
Clinical Anatomy of the Sacral Nerve Roots and Its Relevance to Their Reconstruction After Sacrectomy
Journal article
Kaiser R. et al, (2024), Neurosurgery
B cells require DOCK8 to elicit and integrate T cell help when antigen is limiting
Journal article
Deobagkar-Lele M. et al, (2024), Science Immunology, 9