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Hematopoiesis is dynamically regulated to maintain blood system function under nonhomeostatic conditions such as inflammation and injury. However, common surface marker and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) reporter systems used for prospective enrichment of HSCs have been less rigorously tested in these contexts. Here, we use two surface markers, EPCR/CD201 and CD34, to re-analyze dynamic changes in the HSC-enriched phenotypic SLAM compartment in a mouse model of chronic interleukin (IL)-1 exposure. EPCR and CD34 coordinately identify four functionally and molecularly distinct compartments within the SLAM fraction, including an EPCR+/CD34- fraction whose long-term serial repopulating activity is only modestly impacted by chronic IL-1 exposure, relative to unfractionated SLAM cells. Notably, the other three fractions expand in frequency following IL-1 treatment and represent actively proliferating, lineage-primed cell states with limited long-term repopulating potential. Importantly, we find that the Fgd5-ZSGreen HSC reporter mouse enriches for molecularly and functionally intact HSCs regardless of IL-1 exposure. Together, our findings provide further evidence of dynamic heterogeneity within a commonly used HSC-enriched phenotypic compartment under stress conditions. Importantly, they also indicate that stringency of prospective isolation approaches can enhance interpretation of findings related to HSC function when studying models of hematopoietic stress.

Original publication





Exp Hematol

Publication Date





1 - 15.e6


Animals, Antigens, CD34, Cell Proliferation, Endothelial Protein C Receptor, Hematopoiesis, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Inflammation, Interleukin-1, Mice, Mice, Transgenic, Stress, Physiological