The MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (WIMM) is a world-leading research institution, combining excellence in clinical research with an outstanding track record in basic science. Thanks to a significant investment from the Medical Research Council the Institute will open a new purpose built Centre for Computational Biology in June 2016.

The Centre will include up to 40 computational scientists with expertise in bioinformatics, statistical genetics, imaging and analysis of data from single cells. The new Fellows will take a leading role interacting with laboratory based researchers and clinician-scientists in the WIMM (Doug Higgs). They will also develop links with the Welcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (Peter Donnelly) and the Big Data Institute (Gil McVean).

The WIMM will shortly be advertising five-year Fellowships in computational biology to join the new Centre. The research fellows will have an excellent track record in computational analysis and a strong publication record reflecting this. Successful candidates will be given sufficient resources to develop / establish independent research groups. We would be particularly interested to hear from computational scientists with an interest in the analysis of single cell data and its application to clinical medicine.
The Institute would at this point be pleased to receive expressions of interest from those keen on joining this exciting new initiative. Please send a curriculum vitae and a letter outlining your interests to Professor Doug Higgs, c/o Liz Cloke