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21st Conference on Hemoglobin Switching

September 21st – 23rd 2018
Pembroke College
Oxford, UK

Speakers are expected to submit abstracts of their talks

All other participants are strongly encouraged to present a poster.  Participants may present more than one poster.

Abstracts submitted for poster presentations may be selected for 8-10 minute oral presentations.


Format of Abstracts

Limit each abstract to a single page.
Abstracts should be single-spaced and should include Title, Authors & Institution.  Please underline the name of the author who will present the poster.


G Felsenfeld, A Bell, M Litt, M Pikaart, M-N Prioleau, F Recillas-Targa, N Saitoh and A West.  Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD



The dimensions for the posters should be 90 cm x 120 cm (portrait style). 
Lettering and figures should be large enough so the poster can be read from a distance.


Deadline for Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission of abstracts is Wednesday 1st August 2018.  Only abstracts received via email (as MS word attachment) will be accepted.  FAX copies will NOT be accepted.

Abstracts submitted after this date will not be considered for an oral presentation.

Please submit your abstract(s) by email to